Study morning in preparation for the Introduction to the New Testament exam

Study morning in preparation for the Introduction to the New Testament exam


Study morning in preparation for the Introduction to the New Testament exam



 (Prof. Eric Noffke)



11 March 2023 (Saturday)


Hours: 09.00-12.30



The Valdese Faculty of Theology is organising a study morning for those enrolled in distance learning programmes (LSBT, certificate courses) in preparation for the examination Introduction to the New Testament. 

The meeting will be mainly of a seminar nature, and will be preceded by a lecture on the methodology followed in the study of the New Testament.

The meeting is primarily intended for those who wish to prepare for the examination on the basis of the teaching materials designed for distance study.



1) The teaching materials must have been viewed beforehand and at least two questionnaire forms must have been completed. Fruitful participation presupposes this prior work on the materials.


2) Participants are invited to ask their questions and discuss the answers provided by the other participants and the lecturer.


3) The session will not deal with secretarial, accreditation and organisational issues.


The online meeting (on ZOOM) will be coordinated by Prof. Eric Noffke.



Enter the meeting in Zoom:

Meeting ID: 897 6045 5191
Passcode: 659635



Best regards,