A morning of study in preparation for the Fundamentals of Systematic Theology exam (Prof. Fulvio Ferrario)

A morning of study in preparation for the Fundamentals of Systematic Theology exam (Prof. Fulvio Ferrario)




Prof. Fulvio Ferrario


14 December 2024 (Saturday)


Time: 09.00




The Valdese Faculty of Theology is organising a morning of study for those enrolled in distance learning programmes (LSBT, Formation Certificate courses) with a view to preparing for the examination of Fundamentals of Systematic Theology. The meeting will be of a seminar nature. This means that:


1. Students are invited to read the volume Freedom of Belief.


2. As a support tool, you can use the podcasts of the Radio Beckwith Evangelical column ‘Pillole di Teologia’, from no. 3 to no. 10 (available on You Tube: type ‘Pillole di teologia - Fulvio Ferrario’ in the search bar). The ‘Pills’ DO NOT SUBSTITUTE the reading of the book, they INTEGRATE it.


3. Students are invited to ask their questions and discuss the answers provided by other speakers and the lecturer.


4. There will be no lectures. Fruitful participation presupposes reading the text.


5. The session will not deal with organisational, secretarial and accreditation issues.


6. Persons wishing to participate in the Study Morning are kindly requested to notify the Faculty secretariat: segreteria@facoltavaldese.org

The meeting will take place provided that at least five participants are present.  



The meeting will be coordinated by Prof. Fulvio Ferrario.



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Meeting ID: 884 4557 8742
Access code: 757189




Warm greetings,