Corso pubblico di Teologie femministe e di genere A.A. 2021-22 (Prof. Letizia Tomassone)

Corso pubblico di Teologie femministe e di genere A.A. 2021-22 (Prof. Letizia Tomassone)


October 18, 2021 - January 31, 2022


every Monday










Prof. Letizia Tomassone


Feminist and Gender Theologies Course A.Y. 2021-22

Building the church together, people of all colors and genders


This course deals with feminist ecclesiologies. Particular attention

will be given to the contrast between the vision of an inclusive church and the

quietly discriminatory and often exclusionary practice in the

churches today.





October 18: Introduction to a Discourse on Women and the Church: Definition of Terms and Course Structure

terms and structure of the course

November 8: Women and men in the early churches

November 15: The Ambiguous Legacy of History

November 22: Images of the church under scrutiny in feminist readings

Nov. 29: Feminist liturgies for creating alternative spaces

December 6: Ministries and forms of church

December 13: Bodies, Ordinances, and Sacraments

December 20: Toward a Circular Ecclesiology


January 10: Toward an Incarnate Ecclesiology

January 24: Toward a Participatory Ecclesiology


Access credentials must be requested from the secretariat at the time of registration.


Attached you will find the course poster and registration form.