Seminar on Dogmatics (Prof. Fabrizio Bosin)

Seminar on Dogmatics (Prof. Fabrizio Bosin)


Public course 

every Monday


from February 28, 2022 to May 30, 2022




ONLINE (zoom)


Prof. Fabrizio Bosin

Marianum Pontifical Theological Faculty


Seminar on Dogmatics


What did Jesus think about himself?

The Question of Jesus' Self-Awareness between Exegesis and Dogmatics




February 28: Presentation of the seminar course


March 7: Chalcedon: Conclusion or New Beginning of Christology?


March 14: Notes on the Christology of Scholasticism


March 21: Romano Guardini and the Psychology of Jesus


March 28: What Did Jesus Think of Himself?

                  From Bultmann to Käsemann


April 4: The Debate on the "Faith of Jesus


April 11: The "messianic consciousness" of Jesus


May 2: Reports from participants


May 9: Reports from participants


May 16: Participant Relations


May 23: Participant Relations


May 30: Participant Relations


The topic will be addressed by interweaving the typical seminar approach with lectures by the instructor. Those enrolled in the Master of Theology program are required to present a paper, on a topic and bibliography agreed upon with the lecturer. In other cases, the presentation of a paper is optional.

Registration fee: € 100 (for the single course)




€ 270 for the Formula "All you can learn" which allows you to attend all the initiatives indicated in the Catalogue of courses, which can be downloaded from the Faculty website.


Free course for those enrolled in the LSBT course


The course will be offered online. The credentials and access modes must be requested from the secretariat at the time of registration.