FVT Introductory Week.

FVT Introductory Week.


FVT Introductory Week.








Opening week for courses in the new


 academic year




(Oct. 9-13, 2023)




Aspects and faces of cross-cultural theology






Once again this year, the week opening the new academic year


academic year will be dedicated to intercultural theology, with lectures by Prof. Heike Walz, of the Augustana Hochschule (Neuendettelsau).


The theme commands the attention of all areas of theology:


How can we talk about God today in a world increasingly


characterized by the meeting and mixing of cultures?


Meeting people from different backgrounds and histories brings changes for all and sundry; it is a matter of identifying them and understanding how these affect the way we preach the gospel and live out our spirituality.


The goal of these lectures is to engage with a specialist in the field on these issues, hoping to broaden our


horizons and also imagine together the church of the future.








The contribution for the entire program that we ask of nonresidential students is €30.




Participation in the entire session is worth 10 credits,


5 if you do not participate in the in-person activities.




For LT, LST and Melanchthon Center students, participation


 to the week is mandatory




 (For non-residential students, only the


face-to-face classes from 10 to 12/10/2023).




 Classroom A


   (Valdese Faculty of Theology)




Also online





FVT Introductory Week.








Opening week for courses in the new


 academic year




(Oct. 9-13, 2023)




Aspects and faces of cross-cultural theology






Once again this year, the week opening the new academic year


academic year will be dedicated to intercultural theology, with lectures by Prof. Heike Walz, of the Augustana Hochschule (Neuendettelsau).


The theme commands the attention of all areas of theology:


How can we talk about God today in a world increasingly


characterized by the meeting and mixing of cultures?


Meeting people from different backgrounds and histories brings changes for all and sundry; it is a matter of identifying them and understanding how these affect the way we preach the gospel and live out our spirituality.


The goal of these lectures is to engage with a specialist in the field on these issues, hoping to broaden our


horizons and also imagine together the church of the future.








The contribution for the entire program that we ask of nonresidential students is €30.




Participation in the entire session is worth 10 credits,


5 if you do not participate in the in-person activities.




For LT, LST and Melanchthon Center students, participation


 to the week is mandatory




 (For non-residential students, only the


face-to-face classes from 10 to 12/10/2023).




 Classroom A


   (Valdese Faculty of Theology)




Also online



Events will also be offered online (ZOOM).


Credentials and access arrangements should be requested from the secretariat (segreteria@facoltavaldese.org)

 at the time of registration



Please find attached the poster and the more detailed program.



Best regards,