Dr. Auguste Zeiß-Horbach - Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of January 2017

Dr. Auguste Zeiß-Horbach - Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of January 2017


On Wednesday 25th and Thursday 26th of January 2017 (on both days 2-6.30 p.m.) the Waldensian Seminary is organising two half days of study about the admission of women to pastorate in the German territorial churches after 1945. The main referent is Dr. Auguste Zeiß-Horbach from the Augustana Theological School in Neuendettelsau (Germany), who will share with us the results of her recent research in this field. The two half days will be focused on the theological argumentations favourable to or against the opening of pastorate to women. On Wednesday 26th January (4.30 p.m.) there will be a round table discussion on this subject with the participation of prof. Andrea Grillo (Pontifical Atheneum of St. Anselm, Rome), who will integrate the Roman-Catholic viewpoint on this theme, and prof. Letizia Tomassone, who is teaching Feminist and Gender Studies in our Faculty.