Creation, Gospel, and Responsibility in Theological Ethics

Creation, Gospel, and Responsibility in Theological Ethics


Public course

every Monday

February 22 - May 31, 2021

ONLINE (zoom)

Creation, Gospel and Responsibility in Theological Ethics

Prof. Fulvio Ferrario
(Professor of Systematic Theology at FVT)

The course proposes an analysis of Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Ethics, considered as a document of the history of thought, but also as a relevant contribution to a discussion that continues. The lessons presuppose the prior reading of the Bonhoefferian pages indicated from time to time. The detailed bibliography will be suggested during the lessons. As an introduction, we indicate F. Ferrario, The Ethics of Bonhoeffer, 
Claudiana, Turin, 2018.

22/2: Historical Introduction
29/2: The ethical-theological debate in the 1930s.
8/3: The Ethics in the theological parable of Bonhoeffer
15/3: Christ as the "law of reality
22/3: Natural Life
29/3: Today's discussions on the ethics of life: a Bonhoefferian contribution?
 a bonhoefferian contribution?
12/4: The ethics of responsibility
19/4: Bonhoeffer and the current discussion on the notion of
4/26: Moral conscience and its limits
3/5: The church and its preaching in the world
10/5: Ten years later
17/5: Bonhoeffer: a conservative nationalist?
24/5: Final discussion
31/5: Bonhoeffer and evangelical ethics, today

Enrollment fee: € 100 for a single course or € 200 for the "All you can learn" formula that allows you to attend all the initiatives indicated in the course catalog, which can be downloaded from the Faculty website.
Faculty website.
Free course for those enrolled in the LSBT course


The course will be offered online (zoom). 
Access credentials must be requested from the secretariat 
at the time of enrollment.