Valdo Vinay (10 August 1906 - 25 November 1990)

Valdo Vinay (10 August 1906 - 25 November 1990)


Valdo Vinay was a protagonist of the 20th century history of Italian Protestantism. Shepherd, evangelizer, theologian, highly effective preacher and teacher of homiletics, translator of the Reformers, interpreter and friend of Karl Barth, ecumenist: his multifaceted activity impresses those who approach it even superficially. The library of the Waldensian Faculty of Theology, which, as one of Vinay's successors said, is the "lung" of the institute, was organised by him; but the Faculty as such is still strongly influenced by the approach that Professor Vinay has given it over the decades.
Thirty years after his death, his work has not yet been adequately studied: only those who have read at least some of Vinay's works can suspect what impulses might come out of a valorisation of the legacy of this European-format thinker.
Valdo Vinay will be remembered at a meeting, scheduled for 15 January in telematic mode, which will be attended by representatives of the Waldensian Faculty, Italian ecumenism and the Community of St. Egidio, which Vinay intensely frequented and deeply loved in the last years of his life.